Union Township Working for You


Union Township’s 2024 Fall Leaf Pick-up is scheduled for MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4th and TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th.  All branches must be bundled, and biodegradable bags must be used – NO plastic bags will be picked up.  Leaf pick-up is handled by the Township Road Crew and can occur at any time of the day, starting as […]

Emergency Preparedness Plan

In the event of an evacuation or temporary relocation of residents for their safety, first responders may need to know if residents with special needs require assistance. Our Emergency Preparedness Plan includes tabulating those individuals who may require special assistance and/or notification during an emergency.  Submitting this information is voluntary. Special Needs Document – Download […]

PAHAF – PA Homeowner Assistance Fund – is OPEN!

PAHAF is a housing-related program funded by the U.S. Treasury to assist PA homeowners facing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  The program provides financial assistance to homeowners for qualified mortgage and housing-related expenses to address delinquency and avoid default, foreclosure or displacement.  For more information, go to www.pahaf.org.  

Do you need support? PA-Navigate.org

Search and connect to support. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help starts here.  PA Navigate – Search and Connect to Social Care (pa-navigate.org)

What is the MS4 Program?

Take a look at our new Stormwater Management page.  The MS4 program assures the implementation of a series of control measures to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the storm sewer system to the maximum extent practicable in a manner that protects water quality.  Check out the links for more information.

Call Before You Dig – 811

For over 50 years Pennsylvania 811’s mission has been to prevent damage to underground facilities.  In 2022, Pennsylvania 811 received close to 1,050,000 excavation notifications, and transmitted approximately 6.8 million notifications to their member facility owners and operators allowing essential utility and construction crews to provide vital underground services and repair to critical infrastructure to […]

SW PA Area on Aging Services

The Southwest Area on Aging promotes the well-being of older adults through a comprehensive program of health and social services.  Do you need an advocate, legal assistance, adult day care, or transportation for you or your loved one?  The Area of Aging also helps people with home-delivered meals, employment assistance, and much more.  Look at […]

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

Who qualifies?  Low-income individuals (at or below 200% of the federal poverty level), with priority given to higher risk residents such as the elderly, disabled individuals, families with children and high energy users.  Click here for more information on this program.  

COMPASS: Click, Apply, Benefit

COMPASS provides you access to many of Pennsylvania’s health and human services benefits online.  Here you can learn about the many benefits available and see if you qualify, you can apply for and renew existing benefits and manage your business in a private and secure way – 24 hours a day.  Click here to access […]

Tax Collector Hours

Bernadette Speer, Tax Collector for Union Township residents, has office hours at the Union Township Municipal Building.  She is in the office Tuesday AND Thursday from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm through December 31, 2024.


PA’s Move Over Law requires drivers approaching an emergency response area to pass at a speed no more than 20 mph less than the posted speed limit and reasonable for safely passing. An emergency response area is where an emergency vehicle has its flashing lights on, or where road crews or emergency responders have light […]

Prescription Take-Back Bin at Municipal Building

As part of the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, there is a prescription drug take-back bin located at the municipal building. Click here for more information about safely disposing your prescription drugs.

Union Township Crest

2025 Budget

The proposed budget for the fiscal year 2025 has been prepared and approved by the Union Township Board of Supervisors, Washington County and is open for inspection at the Union Township Municipal Building located at 3904 Finleyville-Elrama Road, Finleyville, Pennsylvania...
Union Township Crest

Happy Retirement, Albert!

Albert Banahasky is retiring after 47 years of dedicated service to the Union Township Public Works Department. Colleagues from throughout his career gathered to bid him farewell. Andrew Kuzma honored him with a proclamation for his commitment to the township,...
Union Township Crest


Thanks to Southeast Regional EMS and Jason Madaras for coming to the Municipal Building to train the staff, road crew, and supervisors on how to use the AED machine located in our lobby.  He also did a great job training...
Union Township Crest

What’s Happening in Union Township?

Advertise your events on our website.  If you are having a special event, community meeting, or a fundraiser that benefits people in Union Township, send the information to dkristobek@uniontwp.com.  You can also drop-off your flyer at the Union Township building...

Upcoming Meetings
& Events