Union Township Working for You


The township office hours for February 2025 are Monday thru Thursday, from 9am to 3pm.   Closed on Fridays.  Arrangements can be made to accommodate you if these times are not convenient.  Please contact us at 724-348-4250.

2025 Board of Supervisors Meetings

The Board of Supervisors will meet at 6:30pm on the following dates:   Jan. 22nd, Feb. 12th & 26th, March 12th & 26th. April 23rd, May 28th, June 25th, July 23rd, August 27th, September 24th, October 22, November 19th & December 17th. The public is invited to attend.

Union Township Emergency Warming Center

The Union Township Municipal Building Located at 3904 Finleyville-Elrama Rd. will serve as an Emergency Warming Center for Residents who are experiencing a power outage.  If you need shelter with heat and electricity during a winter storm event call 911 for assistance.

Emergency Preparedness Plan

In the event of an evacuation or temporary relocation of residents for their safety, first responders may need to know if residents with special needs require assistance. Our Emergency Preparedness Plan includes tabulating those individuals who may require special assistance and/or notification during an emergency.  Submitting this information is voluntary. Special Needs Document – Download […]

Do you need support? PA-Navigate.org

Search and connect to support. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help starts here.  PA Navigate – Search and Connect to Social Care (pa-navigate.org)

What is the MS4 Program?

Take a look at our new Stormwater Management page.  The MS4 program assures the implementation of a series of control measures to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the storm sewer system to the maximum extent practicable in a manner that protects water quality.  Check out the links for more information.

Prescription Take-Back Bin at Municipal Building

As part of the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, there is a prescription drug take-back bin located at the municipal building. Click here for more information about safely disposing your prescription drugs.

Union Township Crest

Proposals for Electrical Service Requested

Union Township is requesting proposals from qualified electrical contractors for the installation of a new electrical service for an existing concrete block garage building. Bidders shall provide the Township with proof of insurance and shall name the Township as an...
Union Township Crest

Solar Energy Ordinance

The Solar Energy Ordinance is posted for review. Hearing Date December 11, 2024 6:00pm Solar Energy Ordinance Union Township- Propossed Ordinance Solar Energy.pdf
Union Township Crest

2025 Budget

The proposed budget for the fiscal year 2025 has been prepared and approved by the Union Township Board of Supervisors, Washington County and is open for inspection at the Union Township Municipal Building located at 3904 Finleyville-Elrama Road, Finleyville, Pennsylvania...

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