Earned Income Taxes are deducted from your paycheck by your employer. If you are self-employed, or have additional income not deducted through payroll, you will need to make payments to Keystone Collections which is Washington County's designated tax collector for Earned Income Tax.
If you have moved to the Township, complete the form below and give it to your employer.
The PSD code for Union Township is 631207.
Using the correct code determines whether the tax is paid to the correct municipality. Any taxes sent to to wrong municipality are still owed to Union Township.
Whether or not the tax is automatically deducted from your pay, you are still required to file a local tax form and to pay tax on any other additional sources of income.
Keystone Collections is the designated tax collector in Washington County for Earned Income Tax. Their help line is as follows: Keystone's Taxpayer Helpline Number is 1-888-328-0565. You can e-file or obtain additional information at the Keystone Collections website which is:
Keystone Collections: https://www.keystonecollects.com/
E-File: https://efile.keystonecollects.com
Keystone Collections