Union Township Real Estate 2023 Millage is 1.184
Please note that payment of Union Township Taxes can only be made by check, money order, or with cash. Credit card payment is not accepted. No checks are accepted after December 15.
Payment of Ringgold School District Taxes can be made with cash, check or money order, and can also be made by credit card, with applicable fee. The fee is 2.45% of the total payment or $1.50, whichever is greater. NO CHECKS ARE ACCEPTED AFTER DECEMBER 15.
Bernadette Speer, Tax Collector
Union Township Municipal Building
3904 Finleyville-Elrama Road, Suite 101
Finleyville, PA 15332
If you have any questions, the tax collector can be reached at: 724-348-4250 press 4.
MAIL YOUR PAYMENT: Your tax payments can be mailed at any time prior to the due date to the tax collector at the address above. Suite 101 must appear in the address. If you would like a receipt, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your payment. Or, you can enclose a note asking for the receipt to be left at the building for pick-up.
DROP-OFF YOUR PAYMENT: There is a lock box on the outside of the main doors of the Township Building for Township paperwork and a separate box for Tax Collector payments, etc. If you choose to drop-off your payment, you will need to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for your receipt if it is desired. Or you can enclose a note asking for the receipt to be left at the building for pick-up.
Ms. Bernadette Speer,
Tax Collector